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Leousio Foundation Aegina   The Leousio Foundation of Aegina
For 20 years, this church-run Aegina foundation has provided regular, daily meals to elderly people on the island, some of whom are bedridden, others without any pension, without children, but in general unable to eat well without the support of the foundation. Meals are cooked and delivered to them daily by volunteers, all free of charge .... Further reading

Zors Sarri - More on Aegina's Vagia Village   More on Aegina's Vagia Village
About Zorz Sarri and her books about the village of Vagia
Ta Stena Papoutsia, written by Zorz Sarri - Ζωρζ Σαρή, is like her first book, O Thisavros tis Vagias** (The Treasure of Vagia) set in the village of Vagia, during the 1930s, where Sarri spent some of her childhood summers. She is one of the most important modern Greek authors of children's literature .... Further reading

An interview with potter Nektarios Garis   Pottery and Food in the Old Aegina Village
An interview with potter Nektarios Garis from Mesagros
The interview with one of the last scions of the pottery-making families of Aegina - in the large spread-out inland village of Mesagros - began with a discussion about local agriculture and preparation of food. Thinking on this later, this seemed fitting to me, since ceramic wares have long been connected with food - with vessels for cooking, storing and serving of food and drink. .... Further reading

Vachos - an outstanding Aegina country taverna   Βακχος "Vachos"
An outstanding Aegina country taverna
Vachos - taverna which many consider to be Aegina's finest - named for the god of wine and the grapevine. his fine, family-run, 32-year old taverna is located on the back road between Vagia and Mesagros, the road leading inland from the main seaside village of Vagia in the island's northeast corner .... Further reading

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